EP 24: Quick tip Wednesday: Getting Etsy reviews
Nov 02, 2022
Most of us have had situations where we wanted to book a hotel room that looked perfect in the photos and sounded perfect in the description... but we hesitated because there were no customer reviews... so we ended up going back to the search results page to find another option.
Can you relate? Well, when you think about your listings on Etsy - are you also missing out on sales from not having enough customer reviews?
We live in a world of social proof, where people look to see what other customers' experiences were like to help them make the buying decision. And when there are 5-star reviews that customers can rely on, it squashes any potential doubts on why NOT to buy your product and leads them to actually BUY it!
If you struggle with converting views and favorites into sales, getting more reviews will give your customers the trust they need to click through and actually purchase. Or, if you even struggle with being seen on the first search result page on Etsy, getting more reviews will give Etsy the trust it needs to show your products to more people. This is the power of reviews!
- Why reviews lead to more customers sales
- How to bump your placement on the search results page by getting more reviews to impact the Etsy algorithm
- The easiest way to reach out to your customers to get more reviews
When you finish listening, I'd love to hear your biggest takeaway from today’s episode. Take a screenshot of the episode you're listening to, share it to your Instagram stories and tag me @monicalittlecoaching - or send me a DM!
While you're there, make sure you follow me so you can see behind the scenes of how I grew my handmade organic skincare small business to multiple six-figures... and how you can grow and scale your business, too.
Instagram: @monicalittlecoaching
My small business: www.shopplantbasedbeauty.com
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