EP 96: How to get featured in news media for more exposure WITHOUT paying a dime with Gloria Chou
Apr 24, 2024
Growing a small business comes down to getting your products in front of more people. That’s truly the name of the game. And one piece to that puzzle that will help you get in front of massive amounts of people for the long run is through PR and news media by being featured in gift guides, product roundups, and more.
Think of it this way – when you are featured in an article, you get exposed to the audience that reads that article for the long run. If someone is looking for a Mother’s Day gift guide this year… or next year… or the following year… they may come across YOUR feature in a gift guide on the internet.
And the more gift guides and product features you are in across each season, holiday, and topic that’s relevant to your product, the more exposure you get! So, the main question becomes… how do you GET this type of exposure and get featured in gift guides and more? And today’s episode with special guest Gloria Chou will show you exactly how to do just that.
Gloria Chou is an award-winning Small Business PR coach, helping product owners, get more profitable, invisible by leveraging the power free media features. Her number one mission is to make PR accessible for diverse small businesses so that everybody can be seen and valued.
By the time you finish listening, you'll learn:
- The difference between gift guides and product roundups and how they can help you get more exposure to your products
- How to find the contact email of editors to pitch your products to where your products will be a perfect match for them
- How to turn your email pitch into ones that editors will love so they decide to feature you
- If you should send samples or not
- The best way to follow up with a journalist
And more.
Click here to listen to this episode of the Product Biz Podcast!
Follow Gloria on Instagram @gloriachoupr
Sign up for Gloria's free PR masterclass at: www.gloriachoupr.com/masterclass
Website: www.monicalittlecoaching.com
Instagram: @monicalittlecoaching
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