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Enroll in James Wedmore's Business By Design today and get Monica Little's exclusive AUTHORITY Bootcamp BONUSES!


Here's YOUR chance to get my exclusive BONUSES when you sign up for James Wedmore's Business By Design!

It's time to step OUT of being your industry's best kept secret... and it's time to step IN to your AUTHORITY and your highest level of IMPACT with my exclusive Business By Design bonus;

The Authority Bootcamp

You're about to get $2,488 in FREE gifts designed to help you stand out, grow your audience and make your BIGGEST impact by gaining massive visibility and stepping into YOUR authority so you get your message in front of more people AND become a HELL YES for your ideal clients!

"Yes, Monica! Sign me up for Business By Design + the Authority Bootcamp BONUSES!"

What exactly is the Authority Bootcamp and how will it help you as a coach?

The law of preeminence states that people will ONLY buy from those that they see as an AUTHORITY.

And I probably don't need to tell you that digital products, courses and coaching programs DON'T create demand OR authority for themselves.

If you want to make a bigger impact by helping MORE people and changing their lives, if you want to get in front of more audiences to share your message and your knowledge that will help so many, if you want to GROW your business and make a DIFFERENCE in this world... the key aspect is to be SEEN as an AUTHORITY.

Once you are seen as an authority, then the podcast interviews, the invitation to speak on stages, the massive Instagram growth in terms of followers AND engagement AND the CLIENT growth... will follow.

Over the last 6 months I've been a guest featured on over 20 podcasts, I've been a special guest inside 6 memberships, I spoke on 2 in-person conference stages with one of them being over 900 attendees, I've participated as a speaker and presenter in 3 virtual summits,  my Instagram audience has DOUBLED while remaining extremely engaged... AND the number of clients I'm working with has DOUBLED.

This is the momentum, exposure, visibility and impact that you will learn how to create inside the Authority Bootcamp.

It's time to step OUT of being your industry's best kept secret... and it's time to step IN to your AUTHORITY and your highest level of IMPACT.

Okay but... Who's this James guy?

James Wedmore is MY personal mentor & business coach that has helped me massively grow my coaching programs, Product Biz Academy & Etsy Algorithm Secrets, by learning from him inside Business by Design.

My programs have welcomed in over 250 members; and with the combination of business foundations from Business By Design and exposure & visibility from the Authority Bootcamp, you'll learn how to make the HIGHEST level of impact in your OWN business.

Your Business By Design experience is going to be incredibly enhanced with these FOUR bonuses specifically for coaches looking to skyrocket their exposure and make their HIGHEST level of impact by stepping into their AUTHORITY.


Here's what you get inside The Authority Bootcamp BONUSES:

BONUS #1 ($497)

Unleash your inner authority with branding that aligns & attracts the RIGHT clients 

If you feel like you aren't attracting the RIGHT people, or NEW people... or maybe you're not sure if your branding represents YOUR unique coaching style... or maybe your Instagram and website need a little bit of... ahem... love? Attention? A refresh?

Well... you're in luck. You'll get to work with my EXCLUSIVE branding designer who will create branding that matches YOUR vibe and the audience YOU want to attract, so when your target audience lands on your website or social media, they KNOW you are MEANT for them.

You'll walk away with a brand-spanking new custom logo, brand colors, brand fonts and brand vibes that personify YOUR authority and attract YOUR target audience. 

BONUS #2 - ($497)

Step into your Thought Leader Era by learning how to shift perspectives so your ideal client remembers YOU and is DYING to work with you

Most coaches these days are saying the same things, going unnoticed and not remembered, because their MESSAGE is... pure vanilla.

In a world of birthday cake remix, brownies, sprinkles, and more, plain old vanilla WON'T make you or your message memorable, leaving your audience without a strong impression of you... so they move on to find another coach.

In Your Thought Leader Era module, you'll learn how to identify the TOP beliefs your ideal client has that's holding them back... and how to shift their perspective so YOUR message cuts through the noise, shows your authority, AND leads to them DYING to work with you.

You'll walk away with messaging that compels your ideal clients into action, that you'll take with you as you go through the NEXT 2 bonuses.

BONUS #3 - ($997)

Amplify your visibility the fastest & simplest way; by leveraging OTHER audiences through Joint Venture webinars

Now that your branding and perspective-shifting messaging is in place so you align with your ideal client and are an absolute HELL YES for them... it's time to amplify your visibility and get in front of MORE people!

The fastest & simplest way to grow your audience is by partnering with other coaches in complimentary fields for a joint venture webinar, where you share YOUR message with THEIR audience and split the profits.

You'll get my ENTIRE Joint Venture Webinar outreach AND execution guides so you have a roadmap that shows you how to get in front of fresh, NEW faces, grow your email list, grow your Instagram following... AND grow your client list through joint venture webinars.

BONUS #4 - ($497)

Amplify your visibility with podcast features... AND be featured on The Product Biz Podcast*!

Not only do you get plug-and-play podcast pitch template to get featured on other podcasts to amplify your visibility... but you'll ALSO be featured as a special guest on The Product Biz Podcast* so you have a compelling episode underneath your belt to show your authority and to help pitch yourself to OTHER podcast hosts.

*For coaches that speak on topics related to growing a product business or becoming the best version of yourself

...PLUS! You'll Get ACCESS to everything included in James Wedmore's Business By Design program!

Business By Design isn't a "Business" course like all the others you may have taken.

...it's a 6-module transformation process that will change you from an overwhelmed, overworked employee to a visionary Digital CEO.


● You discover the self-sabotaging, limiting beliefs that are hiding in your blind spots, and jamming you up at every step along the way.

● You get the clarity to focus on the RIGHT things in your business — so you never waste your time on useless, unproductive tasks.

● You recognize exactly what your market wants and create online products they'll love.

● You get all the "done-for-you" processes that you need to build a real, "grown up" business — one that doesn't completely rely on you.

● You're put on a path to get results — instead of just piling on more learning.

● It turns everything you think you know about how a successful business works on its head. So that any fears of failure that once held you back, never hold you back again...

When you join Business By Design you get instant access to the 6 BBD training modules -- videos and exercises that transform you from the struggling employee mindset into the take-charge Digital CEO. (Value: $4,997)

Plus you get all of James' Proven & Profitable PLUG & PLAY Launch Maps & Execution Guides! (Value: $2,997)

And you get 6x LIVE Group Coaching Sessions with James to answer your questions, clear up doubts, and keep you motivated and on track. (Value: $2,982)

Plus... you get access to the Authority Bootcamp to make your BIGGEST impact by gaining massive visibility and stepping into YOUR authority so you get your message in front of more people AND become a HELL YES for your ideal clients!  (Value: $2,488)

So... are you in, or what?!

How to Get Your Authority Bootcamp BONUSES:


Enroll in Business By Design today using the links/button on this page


Once you sign-up, forward your enrollment confirmation to [email protected]


My support team will email you back within 24 hours with access to your Authority Bootcamp BONUSES!

Join Business By Design + the Authority Bootcamp BONUS with James & Monica!

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question you need answered before enrolling in Business By Design + the Authority Bootcamp Bonus? Here's a list of the most common questions and their answers. If you have any other questions, reach out to me and my team at support@monicalittlecoaching.com so we can get back to you ASAP!

1. How do I get access to the Authority Bootcamp bonuses?

To get access to ALL of the incredible bonuses to show your authority and create your highest level of impact, all you have to do is enroll specifically using the links/buttons on this page and forward your BBD enrollment confirmation to [email protected]. Then my support team will email you back within 24 hours with your access to the Authority Bootcamp!

2. What is Business By Design? What is the Authority Bootcamp BONUS Bundle? How do they differ?

Business By Design is a 6-module transformation process that will change you from an overwhelmed, overworked employee to a visionary Digital CEO. This program is for coaches, educators, and course creators.


● You discover the self-sabotaging, limiting beliefs that are hiding in your blind spots, and jamming you up at every step along the way.

You get the clarity to focus on the RIGHT things in your business — so you never waste your time on useless, unproductive tasks.

You recognize exactly what your market wants and create online products they'll love.

You get all the "done-for-you" processes that you need to build a real, "grown up" business — one that doesn't completely rely on you.

You're put on a path to get results — instead of just piling on more learning.

The Authority Bootcamp is a 4-module expansion process that will allow you to skyrocket your exposure and make the HIGHEST level of impact by stepping into your AUTHORITY.

In the Authority Bootcamp:

You get your very own professional branding done (logo, fonts, colors) with my exclusive branding designer so you have a brand that stands out against the noise and aligns with your target audience.

You learn how to step into your Thought Leader Era by learning how to shift perspectives so your ideal client remembers YOU and YOUR message.

You learn how to amplify your visibility the fastest & simplest ways; by leveraging OTHER audiences through Joint Venture webinars AND by leveraging being a guest on podcasts (including your chance to be featured on The Product Biz Podcast!)

With the combination of business foundations from Business By Design and exposure & visibility from the Authority Bootcamp, you'll learn how to see the HIGHEST level of impact in your OWN business.

3. How do you know James Wedmore and why are you endorsing him?

James Wedmore is an 8-figure per year digital entrepreneur who works with online coaches and course creators to help them grow their digital business through his signature program, Business By Design. I first joined Business By Design in June of 2021 and have been working with James as my mentor ever since. I am an affiliate for his Business By Design program because his program has truly changed my entire coaching business and I cannot endorse it enough; I am SO proud to be sharing about James with you, so proud to have him as a mentor, and so excited to serve you with these bonuses that pair perfectly with BBD.

4. What results have you seen inside Jame's program, Business By Design?

I have had SO much personal and professional growth inside Business By Design.

Let's talk about the tactical side of things first - inside BBD, you learn everything you need to know about how to start, grow, and scale your digital business. BBD helped me to (1) hone in on my messaging to truly speak to the problems my target audience is experiencing and the transformations they truly desire, so when they hear about my program it feels like I am literally in their heads and they KNOW that it's a match for them to work with me (2) refine my webinars, Instagram content, podcast content to take people along the journey of where they are to where they want to be by stepping into the role of being a coach and guide (3) confidently create live webinar launches and evergreen webinar funnels to get more people into my programs (4) create an ascension model including free content, low ticket programs, and high ticket programs for people to continue to work with me as they grow within my programs (5) and SO much more.

On the personal development side of things, BBD is SO much more than a business course; you learn about money mindset, energetics, how to be an amazing coach, how to get out of your own way, how to commit to your business, how to show up during hard times, how to overcome the fear of failure (or the fear of success) and so much more.

With all of that combined, I've successfully launched my Etsy Algorithm Secrets program and Product Biz Academy group coaching program and have served over 250 members. I recommend BBD for any online coach or course creator, without a shadow of a doubt, to the nth degree, 1,000,000%.

5. What makes you an expert on being an authority?

Over the last 6 months I've been a guest featured on over 20 podcasts, I've been a special guest inside 6 memberships, I spoke on 2 in-person conference stages with one of them being over 900 attendees, I've participated as a speaker and presenter in 3 virtual summits,  my Instagram audience has DOUBLED while remaining extremely engaged... AND the number of clients I'm working with has DOUBLED.

The biggest thing that shifted for me and my business is how I have stepped into the leader and authority role of my business; from upleveling my branding, website, Instagram, to upleveling my content on Instagram and podcasts to be extremely perspective shifting, to learning how to pitch myself (and have the initial authority built so those people I am pitching myself to already see me as an authority) and more. This has been the game changer to growing my business even further and has allowed me to grow exponentially - and that's exactly what I'm sharing with you inside the Authority Bootcamp!

6. I want to enroll, but I have some specific questions. Who can I reach out to? 

I'm here to help you make the decision if this is a good fit for you and your business! Email me at [email protected] and I can answer any and all of your questions via email or we can schedule a 30 minute call to talk in more detail! 

And if you're ready to step into your Authority and make the HIGHEST level of impact with your own business... Grab your Authority Bootcamp bonuses NOW by clicking the link below!

Join Business By Design + the Authority Bootcamp BONUS with James & Monica!

I am an AFFILIATE for Business By Design. This means, if you decide to purchase Business By Design through the links on this page, I get paid a commission. With that being said, I ONLY promote products and people that I use, trust, and stake my reputation on. James Wedmore is no exception.

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